Tenants’ Bill of Rights: It’s About Time

We are at a pivotal point in our need to address our State's acute housing crisis, and the William E. Morris Institute for Justice's Tenants' Bill of Rights offers a comprehensive roadmap for change. This timely document delves into the challenges faced by Arizona tenants – from the severe shortage of affordable housing to the vulnerabilities of certain communities. The Tenants’ Bill of Rights emphasizes the need for statewide advocacy and reform, articulating fundamental principles that could reshape Arizona's housing policy landscape. Advocating for fair access, healthy living environments, and just eviction processes. It underscores the necessity for equal justice in housing, proposing actionable steps toward ensuring rights like civil counsel in tenant-related legal proceedings, reasonable fee structures, non-discriminatory housing practices, and so much more.

This report is not just a summary of the current State of affairs but dives into an analysis of the intricate dynamics of Arizona's housing crisis and the bold steps proposed to address it. Download the full PDF to explore the comprehensive vision, and we encourage you to join us and take action for a fairer and safer Arizona.

Jay Young, Executive Director at SWFHC

Jay is a passionate advocate for civil rights and equitable housing. His notable roles include serving on the City of Tucson Planning Commission and the National Fair Housing Alliance.


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